In addition to standard optical comparator charts, Visual Inspection Products, LLC has been
manufacturing custom optical comparator charts for over 55 years. We pride ourselves in the ability to
provide custom charts of any nature, regardless of complexity or size.
Charts are designed on a CAD system from your drawings, plotted on precision machines,
and reproduced on the same materials used for our standard charts (see
Product Specs).
If you design your own charts but lack reproduction facilities, Visual Inspection
Products, LLC can process your CAD data and provide you with finished charts at a
significant reduction is cost. Data can be sent via mail or eletronically. Call for more information.
Custom comparator charts are also traceable to the N.I.S.T. Certification sheets
specifying traceability are available upon request at no additional cost.
Mail, Email or FAX your drawing to us for a prompt quotation today.